Thursday 26 January 2017

Fast Wieght Loss Tips & Tricks


Fast Wieght Loss Tips & Tricks

These days everyone including men, women, young and old alike, want to lose weight and they want results now. Although the healthiest way to lose weight may be to take things slow and naturally, such as traditional exercise 3-5 days a week, a healthy diet put together by a doctor, nutritionist or another professional. Yet there are still some people that step outside of the lines of traditional weight loss by trying fad diets, starvation, extreme exercise routines that are too hard on the body, and things that can end up doing more harm than good. Some people even go as far as to pay thousands of dollars to have surgery even though the risks associated with this method of weight loss have proven to be dangerous. Despite the risks, there are safer methods of achieving quicker weight loss. Here are some tips and tricks that you can use, that when done safely, may help you to weight faster:

1. Eat 4-5 Small Meals Per Day - Eating many small meals per day can safely increase your metabolism and encourage your body to burn fat quicker without having to starve your body. In fact, eating multiple times daily, you may even find yourself more satisfied and fulfilled than before you went on the diet. Your meals can consist of almost any healthy foods: raw or cooked vegetables, fruit, chicken, beef, as long the portions are small (about the size of your fist) for each meal. Make a schedule for yourself on paper, of what you will eat for that day, the times you will eat, even pre-make your meals! That will make it easier to stick to.

2. Exercise Lightly but Don't Over-do It - Exercise for a few minutes daily to help your body burn more fat and calories. Tip: If you dont like to exercise, at least do so right before bed time to help get rid of accumulated calories from that day. Also, if you prefer, work on only your target body areas (example - your abs) for now. Then when the results start to show, you'll be more determined to get the rest of your body looking great.

3. Take Vitamins and Supplements - Take Vitamins and Supplements that are specifically meant to aid in weight loss. They will help keep your body healthy and nourished throughout the weight loss process.

4. Keep a Diary - Keep a notebook, journal, even a piece of paper with the dates, times, foods that you ate and when, exercise, any weight that you have lost, etc. so that you can keep close track of your progress.

5. Visualize Your Goal Body - See yourself at your goal weight in as many ways as possible. For example, find old pictures from when you were thinner. Save pictures of people who have the exact body that you want. Get creative and pull from different sources of inspiration.

6. Give Yourself Incentives - Set a date to go out to a movie, treat yourself to a dinner, buy that new outfit you've had your eye on for the past week, or spoil yourself, after you have lost weight and met your goal. Just be sure to try and maintain your new weight.
