Wednesday 30 November 2016

Dear Dr. B: What is emergent gravity?

�Hello Sabine, I've seen a couple of articles lately on emergent gravity. I'm not a scientist so I would love to read one of your easy-to-understand blog entries on the subject.


Michael Tucker
Wichita, KS�

Dear Michael,

Emergent gravity has been in the news lately because of a new paper by Erik Verlinde. I�ll tell you some more about that paper in an upcoming post, but answering

Monday 28 November 2016

This isn�t quantum physics. Wait. Actually it is.

Rocket science isn�t what it used to be. Now that you can shoot someone to Mars if you can spare a few million, the colloquialism for �It�s not that complicated� has become �This isn�t quantum physics.� And there are many things which aren�t quantum physics. For example, making a milkshake:

�Guys, this isn�t quantum physics. Put the stuff in the blender.�
Or losing weight:

�if you burn more

Wednesday 23 November 2016

I wrote you a song.

I know you�ve all missed my awesome chord progressions and off-tune singing, so I�ve made yet another one of my music videos!

In the attempt to protect you from my own appearance, I recently invested some money into an animation software by name Anime Studio. It has a 350 pages tutorial. Me being myself, I didn�t read it. But I spent the last weekend clicking on any menu item that couldn�t

Tuesday 22 November 2016

New Sweatshirt for the kids!!

Hey guys, I know many of us are anticipating Thanksgiving for some time off......but I wanted to give you a heads up & let you know we launched a new design in a sweatshirt! Check it out here in our kids shop : Cocoa & Hearts. - perfect timing as the weather is already getting chilly! - This unisex sweatshirt is only available in gray & in sizes 2T-4T for toddlers! will get a FREE Hot Pink heart print with each sweater purchase! 

available at cocoa & hearts

Thursday 17 November 2016

TOP 5 Picks from SJP Shoe Collection

Hey guys, I have been contemplating if I am going to continue blogging. Each day that goes by I think I get more 'unmotivated'.  Wonder if anyone else feels this way? - Call me crazy but today out of nowhere, I saw Sarah Jessica Parker & felt inspired to write a NEW Year's Fashion post. As many of you know...the uncertainty our country faces can seem a little daunting & often times we need to put our minds on other things to get through the day.  Normally, when I feel inspired... it allows me to create & get away for a bit.  In this case, to start planning an outfit for the New Year.

If I know I am going out on New Year's eve, I tend to put together an outfit a few days after Thanksgiving. Since shoes are a BIG deal,  SJP has a great line & although it's not SUPER affordable, it's just one option. However, there are other budget friendly options at some of my faves like Mango & Zara you might like!  Here are my top 5 picks from the SJP collection.

P.S. I will try my best to blog, if not......then feel free to join me on instagram.

-post by jen ramos

Wednesday 16 November 2016

A new theory SMASHes problems

Most of my school nightmares are history exams. But I also have physics nightmares, mostly about not being able to recall Newton�s laws. Really, I didn�t like physics in school. The way we were taught the subject, it was mostly dead people�s ideas. On the rare occasion our teacher spoke about contemporary research, I took a mental note every time I heard �nobody knows.� Unsolved problems were

Wednesday 9 November 2016

Away Note

I�ll be in London for a few days, attending a RAS workshop on �Fine-Tuning on the Cosmological and the Quantum Scales.� First time I�m speaking about the topic, so a little nervous about that.

It just so happens that tomorrow evening there�s a public lecture in London by Roger Penrose which I might or might not attend, depending on whether my flight arrives as planned. Feeling somewhat bad

Tuesday 8 November 2016


Maca and Bee Pollen - What Can They Do for You?
The mixture of maca and bee pollen is gaining wonderful reviews from the crowd of men and women.Bee pollen has been said to have wonderful healing and preventative properties beneficial to men's reproductive health. It has been found to prevent prostate problems, increase sperm cell count as well as improve sexual performance and libido.
In women's reproductive health, pollen has been found to increase libido, eliminate PMS discomfort, as well as improve their ovarian functions. Maca, on the other hand, is a root that has been commonly referred to as the natural Viagra.  So what can these two natural products do for you?
The pollen from the bee has been found to be the most complete food source in the world. It is rich in antioxidants, proteins, free amino acids, vitamins A, B-complex, C, E, minerals, antibiotic properties, as well as anti-cancer properties. Bee pollen is a complete food and nutrition source and contains many elements not found in products of animal origin. The protein content is richer in pollen as compared to any animal source and it contains more amino acids than beef, eggs, or cheese of the same weight. The concentration of nutrients found in natural pollen is extremely high, that's why even a small dose of this wonder food will bring about healthy benefits in the human body.

Maca is a kind of plant that has radish-like roots. Its roots are dried and stored for up to seven years and has been found to be rich in essential minerals, especially selenium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and iron, and includes fatty acids including linolenic acid, palmitic acid, and oleic acids, as well as polysaccharides. It originated from the country of Peru and has been used by the Inca people hundreds of years ago for its immense contribution to their strength. Through research, Maca has been found to be a natural hormone dispenser which can provide various treatments in sexual problems of both men and women.
Maca and bee pollen, when combined, will greatly improve men and women's stamina and endurance. Its aphrodisiac effect in men increases their sexual performance and vitality. The athletes and the elderly also benefit a lot from this wonderful combination. It gives them energy, prevents life threatening diseases, as well as helps them recover from depression, addictions, and traumas.

Pollens are now mixed with other high potent natural food sources like Maca to bring out and enhance more of its health benefits for humans. Other potent ingredients mixed with pollens are royal jelly and Siberian ginseng.
Royal jelly has been found to increase one's life span as well as aid in our body's regeneration of cells. Siberian ginseng may increase your body's resistance to stress and prevent certain types of illness. It may be useful when used in connection with stress and body fatigue caused by viruses, bacteria, chemicals, extreme working conditions, noise, and pollution. Many people even claim that Siberian ginseng is very useful for increasing mental and physical performance, particularly increasing concentration, focus, and physical stamina.
When high grade bee products are mixed with other high potent natural food sources like Maca, royal jelly, and Siberian Ginseng, consumers are ensured of longevity, better health, and more enjoyment of life.

Monday 7 November 2016

Steven Weinberg doesn�t like Quantum Mechanics. So what?

A few days ago, Nobel laureate Steven Weinberg gave a one-hour lecture titled �What�s the matter with quantum mechanics?� at a workshop for science writers organized by the Council for the Advancement of Science Writing (CASW).

In his lecture, Weinberg expressed a newfound sympathy for the critics of quantum mechanics.

�I�m not as happy about quantum mechanics as I used to be, and not as