Thursday 29 October 2015

What is basic science and what is it good for?

Basic science is, above all, a stupid word. It sounds like those onions we sliced in 8th grade. And if people don�t mistake �basic� for �everybody knows,� they might think instead it means �foundational,� that is, dedicated to questioning the present paradigms. But that�s not what the word refers to.
Basic science refers to research which is not pursued with the aim of producing new

Monday 26 October 2015


The over-the-knee boot trend is one of my faves. I used to think this look looked too"Pretty Woman" & wasn't that fond of it. But as the years have gone by & countless fashion bloggers have worn this style, I've learned to love them. I own a pair but they are a bit narrow in the tow area for me, so I don't wear them too often.

I would love to invest in some comfy ones (if even possible) so that I could wear them with a pair of skinny jeans.  My all time favorite are the pricey ones called the 'HIGHLAND' by Stuart Weitzman they run about $800.  Gulp, I know. But they DEF look the best in my opinion.  

Tell me, are you into the over-the-knee trend this Fall?? Which is your fave?

-post by jen ramos

Black holes and academic walls

Image credits: Paul Terry Sutton

According to Einstein you wouldn�t notice crossing a black hole horizon. But now researchers argue that a firewall or brickwall would be in your way. Have they entirely lost their mind?

Tl;dr: Yes.
It is hard, sometimes, to understand why anyone would waste time on a problem as academic as black hole information loss. And I say that as someone who spent a

Friday 23 October 2015

ත්‍රිපිටකය සිංහලෙන්

Thursday 22 October 2015

Elementary Statistics

UGirls Sexy Bikini 003


UGirls 002


UGirls Sexy 001
